Cabin 6106 CS.
1 day in San Juan, Puerto Rico then St.M; St.T. Tortola, Bermuda overnight and ending in NJ. Captain: Panagiotis Mantzavinos, Hotel Dir.: Ugo Vaccalluzzo, GRM.:Simona Stumberger, Cruise Dir.: Sue Denning, Capt Club: Tanushka, Butler: Elvis, Room Steward: James asst: Mathew, Waiter: Sorrin, Asst.: Denny.
We've done this cruise each of the last few Spring times. I got a great price of $159 on our United flight on a US Air plane. The same tix on US Air was $349. Arrived the Sheraton Old San Juan with another great deal that Randi found on get a room, for $169.
Did our usual routine. After arriving at the hotel we stopped for tapas, then strolled through the streets of old San Juan toward the outlets. I plopped at the cantina while Randi visited the pocketbook outlets. Soon after she returned empty handed- which was a rarity- she joined me for a drink. She told me that Ralph Lauren moved from here to the pier area and that was on her destination map on the way home. At the store, she picked out some shirts for us and shipped them home. We popped into CVS for some goodies and brought them back to the hotel.
Since we were up since 315am, we decided to nap a bit before dinner and wound up missing the complementary cocktail hour, only available until 7pm. we decided to eat light and easy so we went to the hotel's open air, ground floor restaurant and enjoyed apps and drinks. A warm Caribbean breeze made the evening feel wonderful. Since this restaurant had no dessert, we walked up stairs to the other outdoor restaurant to enjoy a dessert and some coffee. It didn't take long and we were done for the night.
The next day we saw Summit docked at the Pan Am pier across the water. We had the buffet breakfast which Randi enjoys, picked up some wine for us and beer for Al, and then spent the remainder of the morning by the pool, chilling out before our cab ride to the ship.
We got to the pier about 15 minutes before the doors opened and were seated for about 10 minutes before we were asked to check in. Although there is a store here they would confiscate any wine bought here to take aboard so were happy we bought some in town. We were offered a complimentary Normandy Specialty Restaurant dinner tonight, but decided not to since we were having dinner with Joan, Al, Kevin and Carol.
Once aboard, our room wasn't ready so we had some lunch and talked to the Matre'd because even though promised, rather then being all at one table, each couple was placed at different tables and Kevin and Carol were at the early rather then the late seating. He promised to fix it but "not for tonight." We were surprised when we heard it was "fixed" for the first night. Although we finally got to sit together at Mr. Grey's table, there was almost 20 minutes of confusion as to which table exactly we were to be seated. It finally got fixed the second night when we were reseated at Sorrin's table for the remainder of the cruise. Meanwhile, Randi and I thought that the food on this cruise was about the best in recent memory.
The ship was Solstized in January and although all the new areas looked great, it seemed that some of the old areas were in need of some rust prevention and cosmetic work.
Everything else was up to par and while we always enjoy traveling with Joan and Al,
we also enjoyed having Kevin and Carol with us for our first cruise together.
From the stateroom you are surrounded by nice views past the deck outside, a very spacious living area with a dining table,
and a full bath with a whirlpool tub.
St Martin was the 1st port. We all cabbed into town and started down Front Street. Randi got some beautiful earrings at Ultimate Jewelers and perfume. I bought 6 bottles of liquor at Gulmars. Funny thing, at the end of the cruise customs asked for the 1st time where we bought the liquor, but let us go even though we bought more then allowed from St Martin.
Day 2 found us in St Thomas where Kevin and I went snorkeling at Coki Beach via a cab ride from Mr Muscles. The other guys went shopping and Randi stopped to get Mac makeup with Carol.
Day 3 was Tortola where we stayed on board. Randi unfortunately got too much sun and steered away from it for the rest of the cruise. I went into the Persian gardens.
Our 1st sea day was next and it was relaxing on our way to Bermuda.
Arrived in Bermuda the next day at 1pm. It was noticeably cooler and rainy. Randi managed to hold the "X" up, of Celebrity Cruises logo to prevent it from falling.
Afterwards we managed to get off and explore the island, both of the days we were there.
The highlight of our 2nd and last sea day was when "Lucky" Randi won the jackpot on electronic spin poker and I was one number away from the gigantic bingo jackpot but I didn't win the gigantic pot- $240. LOL.
Along the way, Joan and Al won a watch raffle. Then, they pulled a double header as they won a second time and a second watch set.
The entertainment was unique. In addition to the usual fare, we saw, singing impressionist of many voices, Karen Grainger;
pan faced comedian, Fred Klett;
and our Cruise Director, Sue Denning, put on a great one woman singing show. BTW- Sue was our cruise director aboard Azamara Journey when we were in western Europe.
The Captain did a marvelous job navigating throughout this cruise.
To get home, however, we first had to sail past Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York,
then we had to sail underneath the Verrazano Bridge which connects Brooklyn to Staten Island.
Soon after, we ended this one way trip in Bayonne NJ. If the car wasn't late we would have been home early. As it was we got home about noon. Nice cruise! Waiting for the thanksgiving cruise is next.
To see all the pix go here:
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